Creative Printing

How to prepare an ink drawing for a screen printing

Publicerad 2020-10-11 11:30:00 i screen printing ink, t shirt screen printing ink,

Screen printing is a great way to maximize the drawing of your hands. It helps you to print them for framed artwork or cards many times or to design your own t-shirts, bags and fabrics. You can use your templates to make yourself home picture screens. You will nevertheless have to prepare your photographic screens.

How to develop pictures screens?

A significant rule for the development of picture screens is that your template must be black and white. This is distinct from a grey picture (similar to a Photograph black and white) with grey tones. The entire architecture must be made up entirely of black and white areas.

In this post we shall look into the development of hand-drawn, scanned artwork for the computer.

When displays are exposed, they are shielded by a light-sensitive blend film. The emulsion-coated panel is illuminated with a printed film between light and panel of your design.

The black areas of the design block light as the emulsion is exposed to light to avoid it touching the emulsion. The white areas of the design (transparent on the film) allow the light to reveal the emulsion. The exposed emulsion areas are hard at work and block the hole.

The ink cannot move through these areas in the mesh. The unexposed areas remain porous and washable – the porous emulsion washes from the film and produces an open mesh that can pass in the ink. Going here for more information about Printablepress right now.

Build a suitable screen printing drawing

Some drawn drawings are ideal for making screens, while others are not. The drawing on the left was drawn with a plaster with a lot of shade.

Why grey tones are not suitable for making a screen?

They cannot establish visible open and closed mesh areas. The drawing on the right is in theme. Shading with thin hatching was accomplished. This style consists of only black and white areas so that it is ideal for a computer! Drawings in ink are much simpler to work with than pencil drawings that take a lot of darkening to make them fully dark.

Typically when you scan your drawing into your screen, the background is slightly blank and your black areas are dark grey. You can use levels to lighten the background and darken your image. Go to image and change the levels and a box will appear

A graph on it. This graph displays the appearance of your light levels. Underneath the graph are three arrows. These arrows can be rotated left and right to change the levels. Drive the left arrow to the right, until the first swell of your map is reached. Shift the right arrow to the left before the large "point" on the graph is reached. The middle arrow can be adjusted right and left to change the mid-levels. If you like what you see, click ok.

When your designs look absolutely black and white and the paper is in the right format, you can convert them into screen films to make your exposed screens.


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